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Backend Engineering|Dec 2, 2022

How to switch from PHP to Java and why it’s worth it?

Java programming is one of the most sought-after skills in the IT market. From this interview, you will learn how to switch from PHP to Java and why it's a good decision.

Scala|Nov 22, 2022

Automatic parallelization of for-comprehensions in Scala 3

A guide on automatically parallelizing effectful code written with for-comprehensions and making the process simple and painless.

Cloud Engineering|Nov 8, 2022

Cloud infrastructure end-to-end or conformance testing: What’s the difference

A guide to cloud infrastructure testing. Check out test cases, helpful tips, and the difference between end-to-end and conformance tests.

Scala|Nov 7, 2022

Scala Toolkit makes Scala powerful straight out of the box

Update: Tutorials for Scala Toolkit were released on scala-lang page! Learn how to use Toolkit.

Scala|Nov 2, 2022

Scala 3 migration: 7 benefits that outweigh the risks

Scala 3 migration can be scary. Will teams adopt it quickly? Will it be as powerful as Scala 2? These and more questions we'll answer here.

Business insights|Oct 19, 2022

Why sprint estimation has broken Agile

A look into how sprint estimation could be harming your team's productivity and end product. Find out why you should consider eliminating it from your team's workflow.

Why sprint estimation has broken Agile 2.jpg
Scala|Sep 22, 2022

Metaprogramming in Scala 2 & 3

In this article, you'll learn more about changes in Scala 3's metaprogramming functionality compared to Scala 2.

Business insights|Sep 22, 2022

Nearshoring vs. Offshoring: Which model fits your software engineering and IT consulting needs?

Nearshoring, Onshoring, or Offshoring. These 3 outsourcing models have their pros and cons. Read which model fits your company best and why.

Scala|Sep 22, 2022

How to be a part of Scala’s Open Community Build

This article is part of the Open Community Build series. This time, we focus on how you can get involved and contribute to the Scala 3 community.

Cloud Engineering|Sep 6, 2022

How to evaluate new technology and build trust in cloud-native

This article presents cloud-native solutions that successfully passed evaluation and how you can evaluate cloud-native technology yourself.

Backend Engineering|Aug 29, 2022

Pros and Cons of Cloud IDE: We gave it a try. Here’s how it went.

We take a look at what a Cloud IDE is, its benefits and challenges, and how you can start using a Cloud IDE.

Business insights|Aug 23, 2022

What is Industry 4.0: benefits and challenges

The Industry 4.0 concept comes with challenges and benefits. In this article, you'll find everything you need to know about I4.
